While I’m currently putting my data analysis skills to use as a data scientist in the pacific northwest, I was previously a part of the  School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University. I earned my PhD working with  Evan Scannapieco studying hydrodynamic simulations of galaxy outflows. My research aimed to make connections between observations and numerical simulations of these outflows to further understand the types of physics that most strongly influence the interaction between hot winds and the circumgalactic medium.

Prior to graduate school, I attended  Western Washington University where I earned my Bachelors of Science in Physics and discovered my love of computer programming. I worked with  Kevin Covey on developing and implementing a uniform selection method for young stellar objects to be used as targets in the APOGEE-2 survey.

When not doing science, I fill my time exploring nature – from the desert of Arizona to the forests and coastline of the Pacific Northwest. I love to play music, learn new crafting skills, snuggle with my cat, Felix, and travel with my husband, Alex.